Did you know that Riverside Surgery is a training practice?
We pride ourselves on our record of having trained many excellent GP’s over the years. This means that sometimes you may see a trainee GP, who are fully qualified doctors and now spending time learning more about General Practice.
At this stage of their training they are more than adequately qualified to be able to see patients and deal with their medical needs. The trainees also have full support from their trainers and other practice GP’s at all times.
Our practice is committed to the teaching and training of healthcare professionals. For over 30 years we have been a training practice, accredited by the Oxford Deanery. From time to time you may find trainee doctors will be sitting in with the doctors and nurses at the practice to learn about General Practice. We will ask you in advance of the appointment if you are happy with this, and if you are not then of course it is fine to ask them to leave the consultation. To reassure you though, these doctors are fully qualified and will have had experience in several hospital specialities. Dr Sawhney and Dr Rogers are our GP Trainers and are responsible for the trainees during their training year, although every member of the team takes an active part in the process.
We also teach medical students and sometimes you may be asked to see the doctor or nurse with a student present. You will always be asked beforehand if this is acceptable and you may ask for the student to withdraw if you prefer to have your consultation in private
For training purposes, you may find our doctors and nurses videoing your consultation. You will be asked to sign a consent form to allow this video to be used for assessment purposes only. Again, you do not have to give your consent and can ask that the session is not recorded. You can also ask for the recording to be stopped at any time.