Disabled access

There is good access for any patient with disabilities to be seen in most of our consultation rooms. If the room is not appropriate for your disability, then we will ensure we find a different room to accommodate your needs.

We also have a wheelchair in our surgery foyer. This can be borrowed if you need to assist transferring a relative / friend from your vehicle to the surgery and back again. The wheelchair must be returned at the end of your visit to our surgery, immediately after you have finished it. We do not allow it to be borrowed or taken away from the premises as it needs to be available at all times to manage any sick patients on our premises.

There are designated parking bays available in the council car park adjacent to the surgery entrance and there is good access via a ramp with wide doors to allow for wheelchairs.

There is a hearing aid loop stationed at the right hand side reception desk. This is portable so can be used in the clinical room with the doctor or nurse; please notify the receptionist or clinician you are seeing that you would benefit from using this when you check-in and we will happily make these arrangements for you.

If you have any other disabilities which you feel we need to know about, please do let our practice know in person, by phone or email: bobicb-bucks.riversidesurgery@nhs.net.

Date published: 13th October, 2014
Date last updated: 11th July, 2024